Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oct 17th - Bayeux Day 2

Today has been a lazy day so far. We watched some Modern Family that we have downloaded on the I pad this morning (love that show). Then we took a quick nap and got up in time to go to lunch. The weather is rather cold and dreary so we stopped at this tiny place and split a Croque Monsieur (Hot Ham and Cheese) and a Tartine with potatoes, cheese and tomatos and a basket of french fries. I was warmed from the inside with a delightful cup of chocolat (hot chocolate). We met some lovely British people who were taking a motorcoach tour out of Rouen (the town where Joan of Arc was burned as a witch). One elderly lady was sporting an Obama button on her coat.

We walked around town again and all along a path by the Aure river.

Here is a slightly better picture of the cathedral:

Here are sights from out walk next to the river:

After our walk I had to come back to the room to warm up and we watched more Modern Family. Then it was time to head out for a snack and a drink.

Here is a view up the main drag from our hotel:

We went to the same boulangerie we went to yesterday for our baguette and Ryan got this enormous meringue with almonds and powdered sugar. It was good for about 3 bites and then became just too much sweetness. I scarfed down all my pain au chocolate which is a buttery croissant with bits of chocolate inside - a much better choice in my opinion.

With our tummies full and me freezing to death, Ryan decided to revisit a bar that he went to yesterday while I was trying to figure out some way to get us to Mont St Michel by car today. It was a dark cool place. We each ordered a beer - Ryan a Loburg and I a Leffe. Mine was gagful with its caramel notes so Ryan was chivalrous and switched with me - way to take one for the team my dear. We then saw some guys order this drink that we could see had grenadine, stella, and an unknown third ingredient. I asked the bartender and he told me it was a Monaco - grenadine, limonade, and Stella and that it would be an appropriate drink for me but not for Ryan. So I ordered one and Ryan got a Stella and then the music changed to a Tina Turner album. Pure coincidence but weird music to hear in a dark and masculine bar. Ryan took pictures of me but said I was smiling too much which is why I look like this:

The drink was good but very sweet. On our way back to the hotel we met a Cuban American couple who asked me to translate a sign at a restaurant for them. Then he asked me if I knew where he could get gas because the strike has affected gas stations over here and it is being rationed. The restaurant they wanted to eat at didn't open until 1830. It was only 1730 but his wife was insistent that they wait there until it opened!!! He then asked if I was French (after he had already verified that I was American when I answered the question about the restaurant) and proceeded to tell me in a very loud voice that there was just something about the French that he didn't like. I suppose when you are hen-pecked to death by your wife you need to find someone to rail against. Speaking of French people not to like, I've been avoiding the crabby desk guy all day - I made Ryan go ask for dinner suggestions because I am afraid he may call and tell them to spit in our food or something!

Hopefully I'll have more exciting things to post tomorrow after our D-Day adventure.

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