Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First Snafu

So this trip has been planned since last November when our original trip got canceled...I've been planning for months and think I have everything all worked out. On Saturday night, while at work, I have a nightmare that I get to the airport and my passport is expired. I woke up shaken but blew it off, sort of. I asked Ryan to get the passports out of the safety deposit box on Monday. He texts me at work - the bank is closed for some reason. Oh that's right, it's Columbus Day. So he goes today, Wednesday to get them. When I get home from work and get Drew all settled I decide to look at my passport because I am curious when it expires because of my dream...OMG it expired in March 2010!!!!! Mind you it is 430pm on Wednesday and we leave for the airport at 1030 on Friday morning. I instantly want to throw up or run out in front of traffic but instead turn to my friend the internet to help me out of my debacle. It is truly painful but you can pay a lot of money and apparently get a passport renewed in 24 hours. I'm counting on FedEx and the passport office in Chicago but I'm promised delivery of my passport by 830 Friday morning. Not sure I'll truly relax until it is in my hands. How could I be so stupid? Thank God we can afford the extra charges and don't have to cancel the trip! Ryan's expires in December and I already told him we are definitely taking care of that as soon as we return so this doesn't happen again...

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